When you are laying your bathroom tiles you will need to be not only choosing some tiles which will last for several years and that are also very durable you will need to make sure your bathroom tiles are also waterproof.  Unlike a lot of other ceramic tiles which you might lay within your home bathroom tiles will be subject to a lot of water all the time which is why it is so important that you make sure your bathroom tiles are waterproof.

The main reason it is very important to ensure you lay all of your bathroom tiles properly is to ensure you have a good chance of been able to protect your bathroom wall from bumps, abrasions and water, if water gets behind your bathroom tiles and into your wall it can damage the wall and make it collect mould and mildew which can result in you having to pay for the room to be renovated to remove all the old wall which has become filled with mould.

The most common way people will make bathroom tiles waterproof is by applying a glaze over the tiles once this has been done a lot of people think that there bathroom tiles will be well enough protected against all types of water, however there are some other steps which you could look into which will help make your bathroom tiles more waterproof.

To help make your bathroom tiles waterproof you can look at using some of these tools which will help you create the very best chance of been able to make your bathroom tiles waterproof. Hopefully a lot of the tools needed can either be found within your home or bought from a local DIY shop which will allow you to easily make your bathroom tiles waterproof. We will go through the process from start to finish including installing your bathroom tiles.

  • Pencil
  • Tape Measure
  • Spirit Level
  • Felt
  • Concrete Backing Board
  • Screws
  • Bathroom Tiles
  • Thinset Mortar
  • Notched Trowel
  • Tile Spacers
  • Tile Saw
  • Grout Float
  • Grout
  • Cloth
  • Tile Sealant
Now you have all the materials needed to be able to properly seal and make all of your bathroom tiles waterproof you can begin the process of laying your tiles and making sure they become waterproof. To start you will need to get the felt which you bought from your local DIY shop once you have this simply position it around your bathroom and shower and then make sure it is completely secure by using some waterproof construction adhesive.

Make sure you staple all of the felt to the wall but do not overdo it using the staples apply only enough to secure it and keep it in place. Once the felt has been secured you can think about applying the next material onto the wall which will again help ensure your bathroom tiles are completely waterproof and your wall will not leak. Now all of the felt has been laid you will need to add your concrete backing board to the wall as well simply align it with where you plan on laying your bathroom tiles and then screw into place adding a fresh screw every 6 inches.

Adding the concrete backing board will help ensure all of your ceramic tiles are waterproof and you will not have to keep replacing the tiles and parts of the wall because they have collected mould and mildew. Once you have attached the board to the wall allow it to stand for a few minutes as it will move due to the weight.  Once all of the backing board is secured you can now begin the process of securing your wall for the bathroom tiles will mean you will need to apply some thinset mortar to the wall.

You will need to go over all of the backing board with the mortar using a notched trowel make sure you only cover the areas in which you plan on laying your ceramic tiles. Once all the mortar has been laid you can begin to make the bed in which your bathroom tiles will lay this can be done using the notched edge of the trowel. Once all the bed has been made you will be able to consider laying some of the ceramic tiles onto the wall of your bathroom.

Now you can begin to add your bathroom tiles to the wall to do this simply push the tiles into place, before you lay them on the wall you will need to add a small amount of thinset mortar onto your ceramic tiles make sure you do not apply too much as this could result in your bathroom tiles becoming from the wall because of the amount of mortar you have added to your tiles. Once you have laid your bathroom tiles you will need to add some spacers around your tiles to ensure you have an even gap all around your ceramic tiles. Make sure you work in small areas and apply pressure to each tile until they are set.

When you have laid a small amount of ceramic tiles you can then use your spirit level to ensure the bathroom tiles are the same level and you don’t have some tiles which are un-even.  Once this has been done and you have continued to use the above process until your entire bathroom wall is covered all but the edges you can think about cutting down your ceramic tiles to make them fit the edges of your bathroom wall.

Using your tile saw you can begin to cut your ceramic tiles to size to make sure they can fit around your bathroom.  To begin with you will need to try and lay your bathroom tile and then make a small mark where you need to cut your ceramic tile once you have done this you can then place the bathroom tile into the tile cutter and begin to cut your tiles.

You will need to repeat the above process until you have cut all of your bathroom tiles once you have cut them again follow the above process and lay all of your ceramic tiles onto the wall ensuring you do not apply too much pressure and your bathroom tiles become un-even. Once you have laid all of your bathroom tiles you will need to again ensure they are even all the way around your bathroom.

Once your entire bathroom wall is complete and all the ceramic tiles have been laid properly you should allow 24 hours for the ceramic tiles to properly dry once you have done this you can then go around and remove all of the tile spacers which were added to your bathroom tiles. Now you have removed all of the tile spacers from around your bathroom tiles you can now begin to apply the grout in and around all of your tiles. to begin with you will need to mix up some grout depending on the guidelines set out by your manufacturer once this has been done you will need to use your grout float and begin to apply grout in and around all of your bathroom tiles.

Ensure you go around all of your bathroom tiles removing any excess grout which might have go onto your bathroom tiles once this has been done and you have applied grout to all of your ceramic tiles you will need to allow it to completely dry for 24 hours and then you can go over all of your bathroom tiles with a rag and polish them which will give you a good shine and also remove any dirt before you begin to apply the waterproof covering to your tiles.

Now all of your bathroom tiles have been laid you will need to apply some sealant which will ensure your tiles are going to be completely waterproof. Apply sealant all over your ceramic tiles and then allow drying for 10 minutes continue adding more coats of the sealant over all of your tiles until your ceramic tiles simple bead when water is dropped onto them. Once your bathroom tiles are completely waterproof you will need to leave them over night to allow the sealant too completely dry and your bathroom tiles to become completely waterproof.

You bathroom tiles should now be completely waterproof you can add more sealant if your tiles begin to leak water and you can see water getting behind all of the sealant of your ceramic tiles. remember to always use the same sealant you bought from day one as this will keep consistency on your bathroom tiles and ensure they have the best chance of been kept waterproof.

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