Ceramic tiles have always been the best option to use within your home but when you come to change your ceramic tiles to match a new design or feel that you are looking to have you will need to also change your ceramic tiles to match this. Unfortunately you cannot simply lay more ceramic tiles on top of your old tiles as this will cause your floor to become very un even and will result in your having to remove even more flooring to ensure you can make your floor level.

If you’re looking to remove your ceramic tiles then you will need some tools which can handle this without damaging your floor. These tools can be bought from any good DIY shop and will allow you to have the best chance of been able to remove all of your ceramic tiles without causing too much damage to anything which might have been laid under your ceramic tiles previously.

The tools you will need to be able to try and remove all of your ceramic tiles in one piece are –
  • Safety Goggles
  • Dust Mask
  • Hammer
  • Chisel
  • Cutting Tool
  • Kneepads
  • Work Gloves
Now you have all the correct tools you can think about removing your ceramic tiles properly, using the below technique should allow you to have the best chance of removing all of your tiles in one pieces. It might be a good idea to also have some buckets or boxes nearby to put all of your ceramic tiles in.

To begin with you will need to put on all of the safety equipment this will ensure you do not have anything hit you and cause a personal injury. Make sure you wear all of the things which have been outlined above although we know they might not be comfy, ceramic tiles can be very sharp and they can fly off and cause damage if not handled properly.

Now you have prepared yourself ready to remove your ceramic tiles you can think about getting to work and start taking your tiles up from the floor, of course we would like to try and remove as many of the ceramic tiles as possible in one piece as this will help reduce the amount of bits flying over the place and also mean we can make use of them again if we need to.

To begin with you will need to remove all of the grout which has been placed in and around your ceramic tiles, to do this simply use a rotary cutting tool and go all the way down the grout this will break the seal and allow you to remove your tiles.  Depending how confident you are with tools you could either look at removing the grout from one ceramic at a time or you could remove the grout from all of your ceramic tiles all together.

Now you have removed all of the grout from around your ceramic tiles you can start to remove the actual tile to do this simply use a chisel under one edge of the ceramic tile and then chisel the edge as close to the floor as possible.

Make sure you do not apply too much pressure when using the hammer and the chisel as this could result in your ceramic tiles becoming broken. Work at a slow pace using your chisel in the corners of your ceramic tiles and slowly work them free once you have removed the tile carry on the process until all of your ceramic tiles have been removed from the floor.

Now you have removed all of your ceramic tiles you will need to clean the work area and ensure you have nothing left which might make laying your new ceramic tiles difficult. If you have any tile adhesive left on the floor try using a heat gun to remove any excess or using some hot soapy water and slowly apply it until all of the glue has been removed.

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